Fighters will participate by weight class, and will fight using the 2015 IGX dagger rule set. Cap of 30 fighters.
- Ice-pick grip is required
- No attacks to the groin or back of head
- No small joint locks (fingers, hands, wrists)
- No striking with bare hands, elbows, knees, or feet
Participants are organized in Pools.
Each contestant fights others in the Pool in a series of Bouts.
20 second time limit for each Bout.
6 points maximum for a Bout.
Referee can call the bout before 20 seconds in case of a mercy ruling. For example, one opponent has the other locked up, has clearly scored more than 6 points and can continue to land blows.
If a ring out occurs, action and time is stopped and contestants are reset and start again to complete the remaining time.
A take down ends the bout if a counter is not immediately forthcoming.
For each Bout
- 1 point for a hit anywhere on the body, except the groin and back of head
- 1 point for a ring out – both feet must be outside the boundary. In the case of a double ring out, each person get a point.
- 1 point for control of the opponent’s weapon at the end of the bout – this could be control of the opponent as well as long as the weapon is unable to move.
- 2 points for a disarm. Voluntarily dropping the dagger does not count as a disarm.
- 3 points for a takedown. A takedown is defined by grappling or throwing your opponent to the ground so that they are unable to escape or counterattack. Control is the key. For example, landing on top of your opponent while grappling is not a successful takedown if they can still stab you.
- -2 points penalty for avoiding contact or not engaging
Winner of Bout gets 1 Pool point
- A tie for a Bout is considered a loss – no Pool points awarded
Winner of Pool is the person who accumulates the highest number of Pool points
- In case of a tie for the Pool, the person with the lowest number of Bout points scored against them will win the tie.
- If still a tie, the person with the highest number of points wins.
Participants with the highest number of Pool points advance to tournament eliminations or finals.
For each ring, there will be:
- 1 referee
- 2 table staff
- 4 judges (2 judges will adjudicate hits on each fighter)
- Judges will confer on hits
Click here for general tournament information.